It is a fibber obtained from the milky fluid part of plants. Natural Rubber is obtained from fluid got from trees. Synthetic rubber is a by-product produced from oil in the chemical industry. Both types of rubber are very versatile materials.

Rubber grows in Brazil, Ceylon, Mexico, Java Island, Central and East Africa. For hundreds of years, it was obtained by collecting the milk sap flowing from the trees after scoring them, leaving the fluid to dry and harden then by undergoing several proceedings it is transformed into various forms for usage. Throughout the 20th century, advances in chemistry provided opportunities for utilizing the oil to make synthetic versions of rubber. Out of the 18 million tons of rubber produced every year 2/3 of it is synthetic.

Raw rubber is called latex. It is mixed with cotton or viscose for the production of corset belt and socks. Rubber can be changed into an elastic or flexible material for the production of clothing, hose and rubber. The absorbing proprety of rubber, enables it to be a useful substance for car suspension. Rubber also reduces vibrations in the industrial materials.